Wrapping Up the Scenes

 Hey blog, I'm back! Today my group and I are finally finishing all of the filming that was necessary for the film. Since this scene took place at the same location as the rest of the scenes, there wasn't any need to stress out about finding a place to film the scene. For this scene, the location also had to be close to the area where the first scene. This was due to the fact that there is a clip where a character must briefly look back at the first location. For this scene, the character that I was acting as was not included. This meant that I could pour all of my focus into helping with the camera movements. Luckily the other people who had volunteered to be actors were also there and decided to help me out behind the scenes. Before we began filming the scene, my groupmates and I decided to do practice runs of the scene just like we had previously done. Fortunately, I did not need to practice any camera movements that were too sudden or hard to accomplish. The purchase of a tripod also greatly helped me keep the camera stable. I then asked the other people who weren't acting if they could help with any needed props. This meant that I could also focus on helping my groupmates rehearse the dialogue that they needed to remember for the scene. I also remembered how there was a part of the scene where a nearby bush needed to make a sound. Since my two other groupmates and I were busy, one of the friends who volunteered to help us was asked to make it move. Since the other friend was done setting up props, they also decided to help my groupmates with rehearsing their dialogue. Once everything was done, the final film take began. During the filming process, I almost tripped and almost ran into a couple of obstacles. Fortunately, I was able to successfully avoid any obstacles and record all of the necessary camera movements. With this completed, all of the scenes and filming for the video were also officially finished. Bye blog, see you guys later!


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