Production Blog: Further planning for the video

 Hey blog, I'm back! At this point in time, my group has still not begun any filming. However, my groupmate and I decided that this week would be a good time for some filming to be done. Our group will also be taking advantage of the fact that there are some days off of school in the following weeks to record. In addition, my groupmate and realized that we don't necessarily need much fancy equipment to film as the cameras on our phones have a good enough quality. However, the group does need to acquire a Polaroid camera or Polaroid pictures to use for a scene from the storyboard. Fortunately, I was able to find a friend who was willing to help out by letting us borrow their Polaroid camera. The only other extra piece of equipment that has the possibility of being used is a camera stabilizer to hold our phones. Luckily, I was able to find a couple of stabilizers online that aren't too expensive for me to purchase. Since there is one day off during this upcoming week, I plan to wake up very early that day in order to hopefully film a scene of the sunrise at the beach. However, if the weather conditions aren't good that day for filming, I will have to change the film to be done during the weekend. My groupmate also decided that he would take the opportunity to film a scene this week whenever they go to a local park. They plan on recording two scenes at the park by either filming friends or asking strangers for permission to record them playing sports. Moreover, if the opportunity arises to meet up after school, my groupmate and I will definitely take that time to record any other scenes if possible. During this planning, I also had the idea that I should try to research and practice different filming techniques. This would significantly help me out during the filming process since it would help me make the production much more interesting for the viewers. This also led me to start thinking about which editing software our group should use to make the video. However, I decided that it would be best to wait until the next time my groupmate and I met up in order to discuss that more thoroughly. That's all for today, I can't wait to properly start this filming process and see how it turns out. Bye blog, see you guys later!



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