Movie Research: Five Nights at Freddy's

What elements (Conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

The movie that was analyzed was the film called "Five Nights at Freddy's". The film was chosen because it was felt that this movie is a great selection to further our research on the genre, Horror. The film was overall great and it had many aspects that really made it very easy for anyone to fall in love with it. The film uses a variety of camera movements for example, close shot. Close shots were used in the film to portray specific details in the movie. It also gave the audience a feeling like they were in the movie experiencing it in real life.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?

The movie was very interesting. With that being said it always kept us intrigued while watching and we couldn't wait to see what would happen in the film. The story that led up to the plot was very entertaining and was something that made us really enjoy the film. We really saw how the film used its effects to the best to give us that horror vibe we were expecting! 

What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?

Some bits of the movie were dragged out. With parts of the movie being dragged out it made the movie lose its suspense and it was just a natural viewing. We feel that it did not need to take as long as it did to show the best part or the climax of the movie. We feel that because of this it made a lot of the audience get bored of the movie. It is important to never bore them and to always have something to grab onto your audience. 


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