Music For the Video

 Hey blog, I'm back! Today I decided to research music that will be used during the film. Since the film will mostly include dialogue I have decided to search for music that does not include lyrics. However, due to the nature of the film, it also had to be music that went along well with the genre. This included music that was quieter or included notes of ambient sound. In order to find music to use for the filming I went on different search music engines such as YouTube, Spotify, or SoundCloud. After searching for a while on these sites, I found many songs that could potentially be used. Sadly I had to give up the idea of potentially using these songs. This was because while I continued searching, I remembered the fact that I needed to find permission to use certain songs within my film production. However, it tends to take some artists and music labels a while to legally give permission to entities to use their music. This led me to instead start searching for music that I could use that is copyright-free or royalty-free. To do this I chose to use YouTube as my main source for searching. I chose YouTube over other sites due to the fact that it offered more information on the music and its search engine made the process much easier for me. After searching for songs for a little while I decided that I should start making a list of potential songs that could be used. With this list, it would make the process of selecting a song a much easier process for me. I could also present the list to my fellow group members to have some help in choosing a song. In addition, the use of a list gave me the idea of possibly using more than one song to add more variety to the film. After researching for a little while more I had finally narrowed down the list of potential songs to only five. Unfortunately, I was unable to show my groupmates the list of songs today so I will be showing them tomorrow. Bye blog, see you guys later!


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