Movie Research: A Quiet Place

What conventions of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

Some conventions that were similar to my final task and this movie are the camera angles used such as close-up shots or low angles. Another convention that I will use is a similar setting such as how the film decided to use an isolated setting to further enhance the feeling of suspense and danger. In the movie, there is also the use of natural lighting and ambient diegetic sounds that help with establishing the setting.

What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked?

I liked that the movie included a wide variety of camera angles. I like how the use of these various camera angles helped to set the mood of the scenes and highlight the emotions of the characters. I also enjoyed how the movie made use of different transitions to represent different things such as a change in time or locations.

What conventions of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you and you are thinking of not filming for your final task?

The conventions of the movie that didn't appeal to me were the reveal of the monster/cause of horror was done too early into the film. This removed some of the horror factor and gave too much time for the audience to become accustomed to the horror that will presented in the movie. Another thing that did not appeal to me was the fact that there were too many characters which made it difficult for the audience to notice any personal development within the characters.


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