Intro Blog

 Hey blog, I'm back! My name is Carlos Murillo. I am a 16 year old student at Fort Lauderdale High School planning to graduate in 2025. I was born on December 14th, 2006 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to parents of Nicaraguan origin. I have no siblings and I'm currently living with my mother and a small loveable dog.

Throughout my daily life, there are many hobbies and activities I like to do. My favorite activity I like to do whenever I get the chance is to listen to music. I'm especially a big fan of hip-hop, pop, and rap music. Without music I would find my life to be pretty bland. Video games are another hobby that adds more excitement to my life especially when playing with friends. Many find video games to be a waste of time, but video games have positively impacted my life throughout the years. One other activity I recently picked up over the summer is going to the gym. I find the gym to be a good source of stress relief and a great way to improve my overall health. Unlike most people my age, I'm not a big fan of watching regular sports. However, I've always had an interest in watching combat sports such as MMA and the UFC. Whenever I'm not doing these activities I enjoy reading books and comics as well. 

One of the main reasons why I chose to go to Fort Lauderdale High School was due to the many opportunities a student can receive by being a part of the renowned Cambridge magnet program it offers. Being a part of this program along with the fact that the school has a good reputation, will significantly help me when it comes to applying for a good college. This also means that my chances of finding a high-paying job would significantly increase if I attended a good college. Being able to find a high-paying job is one of my goals in life since it means that I would be able to retire my mother from having to work anymore and I'll be able to build up generational wealth. Another dream that having a high-paying job would allow me to achieve is to travel and explore all the various parts of the world. Some of the exciting places I would love to travel to one day include Japan, Italy, and South Africa. That's it for today! Bye blog, see you guys later!


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