Genre Research: Drama

 Common CAMS in the genre- High, low, and aerial angles. Over-the-shoulder, wide shots, close-up and Point-of-view shots. Also uses pan, dolly, and tilt camera movements.

Common CLAMPS in the genre- Depends on the movie, but costumes tend to be normal, everyday clothing. Makeup is natural, and not a lot of special effects makeup is used, unless a character is wounded. Drama films use the natural light to focus on creating drama through the storyline.

Common Editing in your genre- Shot/Reverse shot to show both sides of a conversation, eyeline match, fade-in/fade-out, and long takes.

Example films of your genres- A Star is Born, Anne 

Common sound in your genre- Diegetic sound and Nondiegetic sound, ambient sound, voiceovers and dialogue. 

What elements of the genre that you like? - We find that Dramas are more relatable as they tend to display real life scenarios rather than made up ones. 

What elements of the genre do not appeal to you? - Some elements that do not appeal to us are that they exaggerate many real-life scenarios. Another element we didn't find appealing was that a lot of dramas are cliche.


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