Wrapping Up The Scenes

 Hey blog, I'm back! I'm happy to say that my group has finally finished all of the recordings needed for the music video. The day after I finished filming scenes one through four, my groupmate asked me if I wanted to film some of the remaining scenes at the park with him. I decided to tag along and after he picked me up, we headed to a nearby park that had all of the things needed to film most of the outdoor scenes. After my groupmate and I finished the scenes, it was decided that it would be best if we finished the remaining scenes as soon as possible. This led to my groupmate and I going later in the week to the amusement center known as Xtreme Action Park. Once we arrived at the location, my groupmate had to spend a little while finding a parking spot for his car since most spots were already taken. Because of this, I had the idea to save some time and record the entrance to the building by myself since it was a scene from the storyboard. After my groupmate and I entered the building we headed to the front desk to ask if we were allowed to be there just for filming purposes. The staff said filming was allowed but we needed to be accompanied by someone of at least eighteen years of age. Fortunately, my groupmate knew the manager and was able to get us permission to roam around by ourselves. The first scene that had to be filmed inside was the arcade machines being used. For this, I presented my groupmate with the idea of taking a wide shot of multiple people and machines instead of only focusing on two or three people. The last scene that had to be filmed in Xtreme Action Park was people eating food. At first, my groupmate and I had planned to get our own food but the food ended up being quite expensive. Because of this, we decided that it would be best to buy a shareable food such as pizza in order to not waste too much money. However, the pizza on the menu was too large for just the two of us. Luckily, we found nachos which were the cheapest thing on the menu and they could easily be shared between me and my groupmate. After we finished filming, my groupmate and I gave one last thanks to the manager at the front desk for allowing us to record and then we left. Once I got home I felt so relieved that all of the filming was finally done and that only a couple more things needed to be done to fully finish the video. Bye blog, see you guys later!


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