Finally putting together the video

 Hey blog, I'm back! Today my groupmate and I decided that since all of the filming for the video was done, it would be a great time to finally get started on editing the recorded scenes. Since the scenes weren't all recorded on the same device, my groupmate and I thought of sending the scenes to each other. However, this could easily cause confusion during the editing process so I came up with the idea to instead put all of the recorded scenes onto a shared google drive. This also helped my groupmate and I come up with the idea that there should be a shared account for whatever editing software we choose to use. However, none of us knew which editing software we should use for putting together the video. Because of this, him and I researched and came across various software such as iMovie, CapCut, and Adobe Premiere Pro. At first Adobe Premiere Pro seemed like the best choice because of the extensive features it offers. Unfortunately, a big problem with the program was the price of it since it was too expensive for either of us to afford. Luckily, both iMovie and Capcut were free to use and still offered a wide variety of editing tools to make use of. Although my groupmate and I ended up choosing to use CapCut since it was the one program the two of us were most familiar with and had used in the past. The only problem with using CapCut was that at the end of the video there is a watermark. Fortunately, this problem could easily be solved by just cutting out the watermark by downloading the video on a phone. Afterwards, the two of us uploaded all of the scenes onto the google drive and created a shared CapCut account. Once all the videos were on the google drive, I decided to grab some videos and put them into CapCut. However once I finished doing this, my groupmate brought up the issue that he could not see the video on his device despite being on the same account. Luckily, I quickly able to find out that the issue could easily be fixed by saving the video onto the cloud instead of on the device. My groupmate and I also started to research and think about the different things we could do to edit the video such as potential filters and transitions. After doing this, him and I decided that it would be best to rest for today and continue the editing on another day. Bye blog, see you guys later!


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