Fixing Up the Video

 Hey blog, I'm back! Today my group and I have decided to continue with the editing process of our video. Everyone decided that it would be better to split the work amongst ourselves to make the whole editing process much easier. To do this it was decided that everyone should work in "shifts" similar to a job. This would get the editing done more efficiently and quickly along with letting all group members communicate better with each other.  For the first shift, my groupmate decided to be first and work on editing parts of the video. For the second shift, I decided to start working on the editing instead of my other groupmate. Once I began editing, I noticed that my groupmate had already cut out many extra parts of the video that were deemed unnecessary. However I noticed that even after this, the video was still over the time limit. This led me to have the idea of further cutting up the clips and shortening them to get them under the time limit. However, this turned out to be more difficult than I originally believed it was going to be. This was due to the fact that the main parts that I was cutting up were the beginning and the end of clips to retain the quality of the video. However, this was not enough to meet the time limit. This meant that I needed to further try to make the clips shorter. In order to do this I had to resort to cutting parts that were in the middle of the clips. However, I needed to be careful about this since removing the incorrect parts of a clip could severely impact the quality of the overall video. Fortunately, I was able to find some parts which could be removed. I also had the idea to shorten the videos by only fractions of a second in order to further lower the total time. Although this only lowered the total time by a handful of seconds, it was enough to get the video down to the allowed time limit. After completing this, I decided to end my work for the day and let another groupmate continue the editing. Bye blog, see you guys later!


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