Other Info: Schedule, Location, Participants, and Health & Safety
2/10/24 - 2/17/24: This time will be focused on filming most of the scenes and obtaining any necessary tools and props.
2/18/24 - 2/24/24: During this week any unfinished filming will be done and editing will begin.
2/25/24 - 3/1/24: This week will be primarily for editing the video and any necessary final touches.
The location will be Easterlin Park which is located in Oakland Park, Florida.
Atticus Rosa - Detective Wilson
Carlos Guerra - Criminalist John
Carlos Murillo - Detective Carter
Volunteering Friend 1 - Officer Morgan
Volunteering Friend 2 - Forensic Photographer
Filming: Atticus Rosa, Carlos Guerra
Editing: Carlos Murillo
Director: Carlos Murillo
Health and Safety:
To ensure that everyone is as safe as possible, someone's parents will be on standby. Since the location for the filming is in a natural environment, there will also be a first aid kit available if necessary. Any props that resemble weapons will also either be fake or contain a very dull edge. Biodegradable paint will also be used as a substitute for blood and if anything needs to be marked.
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