Production Blog
Hey blog, I'm back! Today I am continuing the process of working on my commercial. Last time I decided to organize the photos and videos into a chronological order of my life and researched more ideas. I am planning to see if I can finish most of the commercial today and leave some minor details for fixing later. In order to do that, I first decided to look at the media content I had put into the editing software and decided that it would be best to edit some of the photos and videos. In this process, I quickly downloaded a photo editing software called PicsArt along with the editing tools already provided in the photos app on my phone. I edited the photos by cropping them and removing things I didn't want in them. For the videos, I mostly cut out parts of them to make them fit better in the commercial and reduce the chances of any awkward transitions. After finishing this editing, I placed the photos and videos back into CapCut in their chosen order. Once the photos and videos were in chronological order, I began to experiment with different transitions that I had researched previously. At first, I was thinking about using transitions with special effects but, I decided that using more basic transitions would be easier. Using more basic transitions would also give a better representation of myself since I don't like to be flashy. However, before doing anything else, I remembered that I still had not officially chosen a song to use in the background of my commercial. Luckily, I had already made a list of potential songs that I could use for the commercial. After looking closely at the songs on the list, I decided to choose the song "Heat Waves," by Glass Animals. I chose this song because I liked the vibe of it and I saw that it was appropriate enough to use in a school setting. After choosing this song, I went back to Cap Cut and attempted to input the music into the commercial's background. However, I struggled at first to figure it out so I had to quickly search for a YouTube video in order to help myself. Once I was able to finally put the song in the background of the commercial I decided that this would be a good place to end off for today. Bye blog, see you guys later!
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